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UK Limited Companies
This is a list of companies based in or registered in British Virgin Islands. Sole traders are not listed here.

Company NameRegistered Office LocationSummary of Business
SIROCCO INDUSTRIAL LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of SIROCCO INDUSTRIAL. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
TE CONNECTIVITY HK LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of TE CONNECTIVITY HK. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
ELWYN MANAGEMENT LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of ELWYN MANAGEMENT. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
HEARST MANAGEMENT LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of HEARST MANAGEMENT. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
WINSTEPS ENTERPRISES LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of WINSTEPS ENTERPRISES. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
OREDAL ESTATES S.A. , We do not know the formation date yet of OREDAL ESTATES S.A.. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
VENTA HOLDING, LTD. , We do not know the formation date yet of VENTA HOLDING,. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
Handen Group Holdings Ltd. , We do not know the formation date yet of Handen Group Holdings. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
Re-Emerge Holding Company Ltd , We do not know the formation date yet of Re-Emerge Holding Company. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
TIPPER INVESTORS LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of TIPPER INVESTORS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
TAMARELO LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of TAMARELO. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
DEVA MANAGEMENT LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of DEVA MANAGEMENT. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
FEMI LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of FEMI. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
GRACEL INVESTMENTS LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of GRACEL INVESTMENTS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
PARTH CONSULTANTS LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of PARTH CONSULTANTS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
STORCLE UNIVERSAL LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of STORCLE UNIVERSAL. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
Aloustem Consultants Limited , We do not know the formation date yet of Aloustem Consultants. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
LIBERTY INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD. , We do not know the formation date yet of LIBERTY INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
TRAMALA LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of TRAMALA. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
TRIZONA LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of TRIZONA. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
VASILIA TRADE AND INVEST. LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of VASILIA TRADE AND INVEST.. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
WAGA INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of WAGA INVESTMENT HOLDINGS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
SABAR WORLDWIDE LTD. , We do not know the formation date yet of SABAR WORLDWIDE. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
LISSACK TRADE LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of LISSACK TRADE. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
ZAMPION SERVICES INC. , We do not know the formation date yet of ZAMPION SERVICES INC.. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
SORRENTO DEVELOPMENT INC. , We do not know the formation date yet of SORRENTO DEVELOPMENT INC.. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
EYEFIELD LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of EYEFIELD. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
ARETA FINANCE LTD. , We do not know the formation date yet of ARETA FINANCE. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
Otony Enterprises Limited , We do not know the formation date yet of Otony Enterprises. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
Nicene Creed Limited , We do not know the formation date yet of Nicene Creed. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
INFINITE ELEVEN INC. , We do not know the formation date yet of INFINITE ELEVEN INC.. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
SILVETTI MANAGEMENT LTD , We do not know the formation date yet of SILVETTI MANAGEMENT. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
FIORINI FINANCE CORP. , We do not know the formation date yet of FIORINI FINANCE CORP.. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
LEYTON IMPORT EXPORT LTD , We do not know the formation date yet of LEYTON IMPORT EXPORT. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
GREENWAY INVESTMENTS GROUP Ltd. , We do not know the formation date yet of GREENWAY INVESTMENTS GROUP. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
ELVARS MANAGEMENT INC. , We do not know the formation date yet of ELVARS MANAGEMENT INC.. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
FOGELSON GROUP LTD. , We do not know the formation date yet of FOGELSON GROUP. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
GARWOOD VENTURES LTD , We do not know the formation date yet of GARWOOD VENTURES. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
CARRIGAN GROUP LTD , We do not know the formation date yet of CARRIGAN GROUP. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
Hummingbird Sankarani (BVI) Limited , We do not know the formation date yet of Hummingbird Sankarani (BVI). We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
ZIALOR INVEST LTD. , We do not know the formation date yet of ZIALOR INVEST. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
MENOSY TRADE LTD , We do not know the formation date yet of MENOSY TRADE. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
4 Tune Ltd , We do not know the formation date yet of 4 Tune. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
FINE SIGHT HOLDINGS LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of FINE SIGHT HOLDINGS. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
Zapp Sales Limited , We do not know the formation date yet of Zapp Sales. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
GEMONA LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of GEMONA. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
TARABELLE LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of TARABELLE. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
ABLE MILLION DEVELOPMENT LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of ABLE MILLION DEVELOPMENT. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
SUPER CAPITAL LINK LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of SUPER CAPITAL LINK. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.
IDEAL CAPITAL LIMITED , We do not know the formation date yet of IDEAL CAPITAL. We do not have information about what type of business this is. The company seems to be no longer trading or is non compliant.

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